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Earthwork Observations and Testing

GeoMat engineers have been intimately involved with construction observation and testing services during earthwork operations, including placement and compaction of fills, over-excavation and re­construction of unstable slopes, earthen buttresses, installation of subdrains, placement of utility trench backfill, and placement of structural backfill behind retaining walls and foundations. A staff of trained technicians also perform nuclear and sand cone density testing, as necessary. The firm offers materials testing services for private and public clients, and provides these services using certified technicians and registered engineers.

Our engineers have provided consultations and recommendations for excavations, ground water control, wet weather grading techniques, and other project issues. We also have geotechnical engineering capabilities that include providing inspection of foundation excavation operations for shallow footings and deep piers, and performing observation and engineering consultations during pile driving operations, including wave equation analysis for prediction of pile performance. In the event of unusual conditions, our senior geotechnical engineers provide immediate consultation in order to keep the project on schedule and under budget.